Circle Of Influence

Have you ever heard the saying, "You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with"?

The idea is simple: the people we hang out with shape us in ways we don't even realize. They influence our thoughts, our actions, our dreams, and even our personalities.

A negative circle of influence can have a strong and detrimental effect on us. Being surrounded by pessimistic or destructive people often leads to absorbing similar behaviors, attitudes, and mindsets.

Negative environments (people) become a breeding ground for doubt, stifle our aspirations, and encourage harmful habits, creating a loop of negativity that can be tough to break free from.

They cause us to lose motivation, lower our self-esteem, and derail our goals.

That's why it's essential to surround yourself with people who inspire, challenge, and help you grow.

Creating a positive Circle of Influence is about being intentional about who you spend time with.

So, who are these positive influencers?

They might be successful people in your life who you admire. They might be friends who are constantly pushing themselves to learn and grow. Or, they could be a coach or mentor who shares their wisdom and experience with you.

If you want to grow your positive circle of influence, implement the following steps:

Identify Positive Influencers: Look for people who are where you want to be. They could be successful in their careers, have strong relationships, or possess qualities you admire.

Connect and Learn: Reach out to these people. Ask for advice or guidance. Most people love to share their experiences and knowledge.

Reciprocate: Relationships are two-way streets. Find ways to support and help those in your Circle of Influence, too.

Reflect and Grow: Spend time reflecting on the influences in your life. Are they helping you become the person you want to be? If not, it might be time to make some changes.

Positive influences motivate us to try harder, dream bigger, and push us toward our goals.

When we spend time with positive people, we adopt their good habits, optimism, and passion for life.

KC Cupp