Beyond Flowers & Chocolate

Today we get to celebrate and appreciate the remarkable moms who have played such a vital role in our lives.

All jokes aside, Mother's Day offers us a chance to reflect on the love, sacrifice, and hard work our moms have given us and to say thank you for everything they do.

It’s important to recognize that not everyone has an ideal relationship with their mom, and some of us have lost our moms.

The moms that especially need our love and care are single moms; they often face unique challenges and bear the responsibilities of parenthood on their own.

As a husband, father, and son, it's such a wonderful opportunity to celebrate Mother's Day and express my love and gratitude toward the special moms in my life.

However, as a guy, I know that I cannot truly comprehend what it means to be a mom. The experience of carrying a child, giving birth, and nurturing their children through every stage of life is something that only a mother can truly understand.

Yet, as a follower of Jesus, I can find ways to support and encourage the moms in my life.

We all can, no matter our unique personal situations.

Mother's Day is when we say: I love you! You're doing a great job! Here are some flowers and chocolate!

But I'm not so sure that's what moms actually want. Watch Here:

More often than not, moms,  even though they appreciate the kindness on Mother's Day, what moms are looking for and are often unwilling to say is: 

I need your support that goes beyond flowers, chocolate.

We need to remember the wise words of JFK's mother: "Ask not what your mother can do for you but what you can do for your mother!

Just kidding, she didn’t really say that!

I want to look at two scriptures today that walks us through how we can support and encourage the moms in our life:

Ephesians 5:25-28

"Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself."

Ephesians 5:25 emphasizes the importance of a husband's love and devotion to his wife, drawing a parallel with the love Christ has for the church.

Christ's love for the church is characterized by sacrifice, as He gave Himself up for the church's salvation and sanctification. In the same way, husbands are called to love their wives with sacrificial love, putting their wives' needs and well-being above their own.

This selflessness helps create a strong foundation for a healthy and loving marriage, and we know that this verse applies to couples with children as well, which makes your wife a mom.

Just as Christ works to sanctify and cleanse the church, husbands with children are called to support their wives as mothers emotionally and spiritually, helping them grow and flourish in their personal lives and as partners.

And then there's:

Ephesians 6:1-3

Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. 2 “Honor your father and mother”—which is the first commandment with a promise— 3 “so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.

Children can live out this verse towards their mom by obeying her authority and following her guidance as a parent. This means respecting her rules and boundaries, even when it is inconvenient or difficult. 

Children can also show honor to their mom by expressing gratitude for all that she does for them and by treating her with kindness, love, and respect.

Why are these two scriptures so important?

Because moms can struggle with a range of physical and emotional insecurities that affect their overall well-being.

Physical insecurities: may include body image concerns, weight fluctuations, fatigue, and chronic health issues.

These physical insecurities lead to more stress and anxiety. 

Emotional insecurities: Feeling overwhelmed, anxious, or inadequate as a parent or spouse.

Moms may also struggle with feelings of guilt or shame for not being able to balance their work and family responsibilities or for not being the "perfect" mom.

Many moms feel like this quote:

"Behind every great kid is a mom who's pretty sure she's screwing it up."

I promise you that these insecurities impact moms’ self-esteem and confidence, which can lead to negative self-talk, or depression.

We all have moms in our lives, and it's important to recognize the physical and emotional insecurities moms face.

And we can help provide the support and encouragement they need to feel confident, valued, and loved.

Though meaningful, buying Flowers and Chocolate and saying kind words is the easy part.

What would happen if we went beyond flowers and chocolate? 

What if we asked: "Ask not what your mother can do for you but what you can do for your mother!

Loving the moms in our life is about taking action to make them feel supported, encouraged, beautiful, and heard.

What if we took some time as husbands, sons, daughters, and friends of moms and asked ourselves this question:

  • How can I add greater support and encouragement for the moms in my life emotionally, physically, and spiritually? 

When we take an active role in the life of our moms, we are not just doing them a favor, we are actively building a stronger relationship based on respect and trust.

We are honoring them and loving them as Jesus selflessly loves his church.

Loving the moms in our life is not a one-time event. It's an ongoing process that requires constant attention and effort on our part.

Here are six practical steps we can take to be more in tune with the moms in our lives:

Be present: Take the time to listen to what they have to say, and be attentive to their needs. Show interest in their daily lives, and ask them how you can help.

Learn their routines: Understand their daily schedule and the tasks that they need to complete. This will help you to be more aware of the work that they are doing and how you can help.

Help with household tasks: Offer to help with household tasks.  Take on some of the responsibilities that the moms in your life have on their plate. This will not only help to ease their workload but also show your appreciation for their hard work.

Show appreciation: This can be as simple as saying thank you, or expressing gratitude for their hard work. Acknowledge the sacrifices that they make for their family, and make sure they know that their efforts are noticed and valued.

Spend quality time: Take the time to engage in activities that they enjoy, and make an effort to create lasting memories. This will not only help you to be more in tune with their needs but also strengthen your relationship with them.

Pray For The Moms In Your Life: One of the most significant ways we can show love and care for the moms in our life is by praying for them. Our moms are often the ones who tirelessly pour into our lives, providing love, guidance, and support. Therefore, it is important to lift them up in prayer and ask for God's grace and blessings upon them. We can pray for their physical and emotional health, their spiritual growth, their relationships, and their daily needs. We can also pray for their joys and concerns, knowing that God hears and answers our prayers. By taking the time to pray for the moms in our life, we demonstrate our love and gratitude for them and entrust them to God's care and provision.

So let's move beyond flowers and chocolate, and as we leave here today, let's actively look for ways to

"Ask not what your mother can do for you but what you can do for your mother!

…so we can support and encourage the moms in our life even more.

Thank you, moms! Thank you for everything you do. Thank you for giving birth to us. Worrying about us. Loving us when we didn't listen to your advice, and thank you for praying for us. We love you.

Your Compass To Conquering Each Day-

KC Cupp

KC Cupp